===== Usage ===== To use ramapi in a project:: import ramapi This will import the ramapi package. To use the Base class, Character Class or any other class:: from ramapi import Base from ramapi import Character To import all the classes:: from ramapi import * Assuming you have imported the module successfully.. Base Class commands:: ramapi.Base.api_info() ramapi.Base.schema() Character/Location/Episode Class commands:: ramapi.Character.get_all() ramapi.Character.get_page() //Only available for character class ramapi.Character.get() ramapi.Character.filter() ramapi.Character.schema() Replace Character with Location,Episode to access the corresponding properties. All methods return json. 1. get_all() This method doesn't take any parameters and returns all the resulsts in a paginated way. Example:: ramapi.Episode.get_all() 2. get_page() Takes page number as parameter and returns response of that page. Example:: ramapi.Character.get_page(3) 3. get() Take one or multiple parametes and returns corresponding output Example:: ramapi.Location(4) ramapi.Episode([10,28]) //Takes list as parameter 4. filter() Takes one or more arguments and filters the results. Example:: ramapi.Character.filter(name='rick',status='alive') 5. schema() Returns the json outline for an particular class. Example:: ramapi.Location.schema() Checkout official docs at https://rickandmortyapi.com/documentation for more information.